Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Confession

I have a confession to make: I pray for my husband every day. Most of the time, my prayers are incredibly informal, as I talk to God the way most people would talk to a friend. I consider myself more spiritual than religious, and I have opinions that run the gamut about who I think God both is and isn't...perhaps this will seem strange to some of you, but more often than not, it goes a little something like this:

Dear God, please keep Roc safe. Tonight and every night. I know it's stupid to pray that there will be no crime in his sector; but can you please make sure that he's not caught in the fray? Send angels to surround him at every turn. Let him arrive the minute before or after something happens---protect him, please---let time and timing be on his side.
Oh, and by the way, please help me to not have to kill Selena at work...the blood on the aerobic floor probably won't look good, and could cause some people to slip.

That's a pretty average day for me and The Whole Crew Upstairs.

Last night on the way home from work, I received this text from hubby:
My coffee shoppe just got robbed at gunpoint as I was on my way to get a coffee.

Thank You, God.

1 comment:

  1. your not alone-I pray every night while laying in my bed-sometimes forgetting to do the sign of the cross or even Amen at the end saying Please God keep my hubby safe,dont let anything happen to him or any of my family and friends,Thank you.


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