Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Dichotomy

"Otherwise, I'd work another job," he said. "A human wouldn't let another human sit down on the floor and die. I'd definitely do it again. You expect the city to back you up, that's why you take chances."

Read more:

The Dichotomy of THE JOB is that Police Officers do things that other people would not, or could not, do in order to help the general public. This sorry tale is about a Connecticut Police Officer who tried in vain to save the life of a dying 10-year-old boy -- only to be notified by city officials that his heroic effort was not part of his job.

Really? Since When?

Apparently, the cop received a notice in the mail stating that:
...the incident was not "causally related to a work-related condition" and that city officials would contest workers compensation if he applied for it.

Meanwhile, here's the kick: the officer has NOT claimed any medical benefits. He simply wants to know if he'd be covered if he contracts any communicable diseases after being exposed to vomit during efforts to resuscitate the boy.

Is this too much ask? His City, Our City, EVERY CITY asks our Officers to don a bullet-proof vest each and every day, to put their lives at risk---and perhaps the lives of those they love---and they don't receive any back-up on the back end?
I'm sure this will be resolved, as right now, the City looks silly, and the cop looks like the Hero he signed on to be. But is it really necessary to go through all this rigamarole? Why can't we just say thanks, and give people their due in America today? When did it become unfashionable to do the right thing?


  1. Helping someone in need is not part of the job? That is the most ridiculas thing I have heard. I am new at all this (my husband is in law enforcement training now) but even I know that if they come across something like that they are to start CPR until the medics arrive if needed.

  2. Kandi:
    Welcome and Good Luck to hubby! Since he's still in training, you may want to search back into the blog and read about when my husband went through the was an emotional time.
    And I agree with you; it just seems like the common sense thing to do, doesn't it?
    Unfortunately, common sense is no longer common!
    :)SCW Stella


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