Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hats Off

Hats off to the NYPD and FDNY I encountered yesterday in NYC...they handled themselves like the true professionals they are, and made me remember why everyone is still calling them Heroes.
You guys and gals don't get enough acknowledgement. That's part of the reason I write my Blog; it's half personal journey and half advocacy.
And as for the FDNY guys who were off-duty and wouldn't let me buy them a drink: I get it. But have to let others give you something too...I got what you were saying, and I wouldn't want to trade on the notoriety of the day either...but it's okay to let people feel a part of things, and say thanks in the only way they can.
Note to NYers and readers in Boston, DC, Pennsylvania, etc: Do something nice for your First Responders this week. Buy them a round of drinks (off-shift, of course)---bake a treat to bring to your local PD, FD, or EMS...or simply smile and thank them when you see them.
As I said yesterday to New York's Bravest: Why not?

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