Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sandy Hook

From CT Post
By now we've all heard about the horrific shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Our hearts are broken and our minds are blown. How could anyone do this to a group of innocent children?
Soon (if not already) this monster's name will become a household name; years from now, we'll look back and say Remember that wacko...?
Let's remember the victims instead. If you hear a name mentioned in a story, a little child's name who will not be waking up to see what Santa brought in just a few day's time...I challenge you to remember that name.
It is what is needed.
That's why I put the somewhat bland picture up top. I don't need to see the faces of those children, running, crying, screaming, as they are led away from their school. Not again. I put a picture up of one of the very many police cars that rushed to the scene, because what we need to remember are the cops who ran in to help; those who showed up on the scene from far and wide to lend a hand, and those that are close to our hearts, because it could have been our husband.
That...and the victims. Let's pray for and remember the families this Holiday Season. It seems the only appropriate thing to do.

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